



14-day free trial

Automatic ticket creation

Routing, workflows, & escalations

DM + public channel support

Emoji controls

Automatically answer common questions

Approval workflows & time-based access

Non-SAML app support

Notion / Confluence integration

User access reviews

Access revocation

Compliance reports

Issue auto-tagging

Custom onboarding

Dedicated Customer Service Manager

Custom branding

Get started for free


Automatic ticket creation

Routing, workflows, & escalations

DM + public channel support

Emoji controls

Automatically answer common questions

Approval workflows & time-based access

Non-SAML app support

Notion / Confluence integration

User access reviews

Access revocation

Compliance reports

Issue auto-tagging

Custom onboarding

Dedicated Customer Service Manager

Custom branding

Book your free demo

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Book a demo to customize your experience with Risotto add-ons

Book a demo to customize your experience with Risotto add-ons

To add Risotto to your Slack workspace, schedule a demo with us!

Schedule a demo directly with Calendly below or by sending a demo request on the right.

Schedule with Calendly

We will never spam you or share your information.

To add Risotto to your Slack workspace, schedule a demo with us!

Schedule a demo directly with Calendly below or by sending a demo request on the right.

Schedule with Calendly

We will never spam you or share your information.

To add Risotto to your Slack workspace, schedule a demo with us!

Schedule a demo directly with Calendly below or by sending a demo request on the right.

Schedule with Calendly

We will never spam you or share your information.